What does Computing at Bledlow Ridge School look like?
Our whole curriculum aims to enable all children to succeed. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression - see documents below. This ensures that children’s skills and knowledge are built on and sequenced appropriately during their time at Bledlow Ridge School in order to maximise learning for all children.
In EYFS, computing teaching links to pupils’ everyday use and experiences of technology. They are taught how to use and select technology for a particular purpose and recognise these at home and school. Children are supported to use a range of technologies available in the classroom to enhance their child-initiated play and to learn how technology interacts with their everyday lives.
In Key stage 1 and 2 Computing lessons are delivered using the ‘Teach Computing' scheme of work. The ‘Teach Computing' scheme of work enables clear coverage of the computing curriculum whilst providing support and activities to deliver high quality computing lessons. All children will partake in a lesson each week using a range of technology including laptops. The children will have the opportunity to build on previous skills to further develop their digital competency, through understanding algorithms, following instructions, creating, and debugging programs, with E-safety at the forefront or the Computing Curriculum. E-Safety is taught primarily through the ‘Teach Computing’ scheme of work and is taught to all children throughout the year in every class across school in Key Stage 1 and 2.
Across the school, Computing and PSHE support each other in teaching the children how to be safe on the web, social media and gaming sites. This includes identifying ways bullying can happen online, knowing what is and is not acceptable online and giving children ways to seek support if they suffer any cyber bullying.
Children will build on previous knowledge and skills each year and be able to leave schools as confident, creative, and safe learners of computing. Children will be embedding new skills and improving their vocabulary through a range of units of work across the year. By the end of Key Stage 2, our children at Bledlow Ridge School, will be confident and creative digital learners which will allow them to become competent and safe in the digital world that we now live in.