Organisation of the School
The school is organised into seven classes.
- Class R is for Year R (4 - 5 year olds)
- Class 1 is for Year 1 pupils (5 - 6 year olds)
- Class 2 is for Year 2 pupils (6 - 7 year olds)
- Class 3 is for Year 3 pupils (7 - 8 year olds)
- Class 4 is for Year 4 pupils (8 - 9 year olds)
- Class 5 is for Year 5 pupils (9 -10 year olds)
- Class 6 is for Year 6 pupils (10 - 11 year olds)
We also operate a House System, and all children belong to one of the following Houses (reviewed and updated in September 2023): Coombe, Ivinghoe, Whiteleaf and Lodge; named after well known hills in the Chilterns.
House Points are awarded for homework, effort and achievement and the House with the most points every term wins a treat e.g. extra playtime! There are termly Inter-House competition, which are lead by our Year 6 House Captains.
Additionally, Sports Day is organised on an Inter-House basis and is a very popular annual event, with both pupils and parents.
The Curriculum
Class R follow their own special ‘Early Years’ Curriculum, details of which are available separately. This leads naturally into the National Curriculum, which is organised in four Key Stages.
- Key Stage 1 is for Years 1 to 2
- Key Stage 2 is for Years 3 to 6
- Key Stage 3 is for Years 7 to 9 at Secondary School.
- Key Stage 4 is for Year 10 and leads on to GCSE examinations.
School begins at 8.30am and there is staggered finish between 3.00-3.10pm which equates to 32.5 hours a week (pupils have a 15 minute morning break and 50 minute lunch break)
The following subjects are taught throughout the school:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Computing
- History
- Geography
- Design & Technology
- French (at Key Stage 2)
- Art & Design
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Education (following the Bucks agreed syllabus)
- Personal, Health & Social Education (PHSE)
The children are taught in various ways and grouped accordingly. There is a mixture of whole class, group and individual teaching; and where group work is planned pupils are either taught in ability groups or in mixed ability groups depending on the teaching or learning planned for that session. In each subject Bledlow Ridge School follows the content set out in the National Curriculum for Primary Schools. For more detail, parents are invited to a Meet the Teacher session at the beginning of the year to find out more information regarding what will be taught in their child's year group.
Children attend two whole class assemblies and one whole school singing assembly during the week. One of the whole class assemblies is delivered by a variety of members of staff based around our school values. The second whole school assembly is our Achievement Assembly where we celebrate the success of our children both in and out of school during the past week. For the other two days the children have 'Class Assemblies' which allow teachers to focus closely on issues more relevant to their specific classes, for example current affairs, landmark dates and different cultures.
Arrangements for the Care of Pupils
The pastoral care of children is the responsibility of the Headteacher, but in most cases such responsibility is delegated to the Class Teachers who attend to day to day problems as they arise. Support Assistants also have an important role to play in ensuring the well-being of pupils. If children become ill during the school day, parents will be informed if this is possible. If parents are unavailable the alternative emergency contact numbers will be used.
Class Teachers should be notified if a child is receiving any kind of medication, or needs special treatment.
The school has a statutory responsibility to safeguard children and will appropriately share any concerns about children’s welfare, possible abuse or neglect. The Designated Person responsible for Child Protection is the Headteacher. The school takes Health and Safety seriously and regularly reviews its provision and practice to ensure both adults and children are kept safe. We are always pleased to receive any information from parents that increases understanding of the child, together with appropriate updating.
Sometimes children have to be absent from school because of illness. In these cases please inform the school office on the first day of absence. Please note that children suffering from sickness and/or diarrhoea should not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode. Parents are not authorised to take their children out of school for any other reason without the permission of the Headteacher. Parents are no longer permitted to take their annual holiday within term time. The Department for Education has very strict guidelines for ensuring pupil attendance in schools. The attendance rates for Bledlow Ridge School are very high, because of the support we receive from parents both in ensuring their children attend school regularly, and in preventing unauthorised absence.