What does Science at Bledlow Ridge School look like?
Pupils at Bledlow Ridge School embody our School Values. They are curious, confident children who use what they have learnt to find out more about the world.
We are curious in Science when we …
- want to know more, asking “What if…?”
- ask our own questions, think of ways to find evidence and suggest answers.
- use our experiences and knowledge to choose the best way forward.
- recognise that unexpected answers can help us learn.
- notice science in the world around us.
- make links between what we’ve learnt and how we can contribute positive changes.
We are confident in Science when we …
- share and value each other’s ideas with respect.
- take part, work together with empathy and contribute
Through a broad range of teacher-led, child-initiated and continuous learning opportunities, children will be taught to:
- Use their senses to investigate a range of objects and materials
- Find out about, identify and observe the different features of living things, objects and worldly events
- Identify and find out about features of the place they live and in the natural world around them.
- Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change
- Ask questions about why things happen and why things work
- Develop their communication and co-operation skills
- Talk about their findings, sometimes recording them
At Bledlow Ridge School we have invested in raising the profile of science. We’ve introduced an annual Science enrichment experience, which involves collaborative learning across year groups and hands-on, engaging activities for the children.
We have extended the length of science lessons so children have more time to learn and explore, and have prioritised CPD sessions to ensure teachers are trained and enthusiastic about their lessons! We have also invited visitors in to talk about science-based professions to support our collaboration with home and school.
We want the children to be inspired by science and to develop their curiosity (one of our School Values) by encouraging them to think out different enquiry types.
In EYFS Science is taught as a part of the Understanding of the World area of the curriculum. Children are provided with hands on opportunities to investigate, observe and to ask and answer questions. All of these skills help to prepare them for Science in KS1.Our Science curriculum is based on the National Curriculum which provides a structure for skill and knowledge development for the Science curriculum being taught throughout the school. We ensure progression throughout the school using our progression documents and Medium Term Plans - see below
At Bledlow Ridge School, we have developed our scheme of learning into topics, focussing on different enquiry types. Each topic identifies the correct scientific vocabulary and knowledge that the children need to have learnt by the end of that unit of work. Our systematic approach supports children in retaining and retrieving knowledge from previous experiences and enables them to build on these.
Science is enriched through school visits, trips and experiences. We will ensure that the Science curriculum we provide will equip children the confidence (one of our School Values) and motivation to continue to further develop their skills into the next stage of their education and life experiences.
The measure of this is to ensure children not only acquire the appropriate age-related knowledge linked to the Science curriculum, but also have skills to move their learning forward.
All children at Bledlow Ridge School our children will develop:
- A greater scientific knowledge and understanding
- A wider range of scientific enquiry skills
- A richer scientific vocabulary
- An enjoyment and enthusiasm about Science in our school and as future scientists