What does Religious Education look like at Bledlow Ridge School?

RE Subject Leader: Mrs Helen Craven 
At Bledlow Ridge Primary School, we have designed an R.E. curriculum which is accessible to all learners and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more. It is our intent that our children will become curious, resilient, confident and empathetic learning (linking to our School Values), who are responsible members of society and who show mutual respect towards others. Our intent is that they are engaged, inspired, challenged and encouraged through the RE Curriculum where they will develop a rigorous understanding of numerous religions, traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our diverse community. We aim to combat prejudice and prepare our children for both adult life and employment, as British Citizens. Our R.E. curriculum allows children to discover and gain an insight into religions within the world that we live: locally, nationally and globally, to help them to participate positively in our society of diverse religions and views. We want them to explore and discover by asking questions about life, to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how people live so that they can make sense of religion, reflecting on their own ideas and the way they themselves live. We see the teaching of R.E. is vital for children to understand others’ beliefs and make connections between their own values. It is our role to ensure pupils are being inquisitive by asking questions about the world around them by allowing pupils to gain high quality experiences.
We will deliver a curriculum that:
  • Celebrates diversity
  • Inspires creative learning through excellent teaching practices that build on prior R.E. learning and allow for repetition and progression of skills that build upon high starting points
  • Our curriculum embraces the community, recognising local places of worship including: churches, mosques and temples
  • Is inclusive, develops self-confidence and identifies that all our children are unique and therefore we should all be tolerant of each other’s beliefs
  • Encourages our children to be inquisitive about others’ beliefs developing enquiry based R.E. skills that allow them to be culturally aware of the world around them
  • Promotes equality and understanding of the British Values and ensures they are prepared for life in modern Britain.
Overview of EYFS Provision
At Bledlow Ridge School, RE is planned using Discovery RE scheme of work in conjunction with the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2022-2027 This ensures that there is progression throughout the school. In Reception, Religious Education is taught on a half termly basis delivered through a class topic or as a whole school RE focus if it is a better fit. RE has strong links to SMSC in the curriculum and this is promoted at every possible opportunity. Lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways ensuring that all children can access and participate in lessons. Interactive, practical activities encourage the children to discuss their ideas and extend their understanding of difficult concepts and challenging questions. Re has close links with PSE and Understanding the World.
At Bledlow Ridge School teachers plan using the Discovery RE scheme of work in conjunction with the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus. This ensures that there is progression throughout the school. Religious Education is taught on a weekly basis but is sometimes delivered through a class topic. RE has strong links to SMSC in the curriculum and this is promoted at every possible opportunity. Lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways ensuring that all children can access and participate in lessons. Interactive, practical activities encourage the children to discuss their ideas and extend their understanding of difficult concepts and challenging questions.
Children learn about the beliefs and practices of the six major world religions and have opportunities to discuss key enquiry questions relating to diversity, morality and the meaning and purpose of life. Teaching includes weekly RE lessons and projects with cross curricular links made where appropriate. By following the syllabus, children at Bledlow Ridge School study key faiths and traditions throughout the year groups. Their knowledge and understanding of different beliefs and practices is revisited and built upon as they progress through the school - see Medium Term Plan and Progression document below.
Children explore personal questions of meaning, engage with profound issues and consider contemporary concerns that face our communities now and in the future. To aid our provision and engagement, children are given the opportunity to visit local places of worship as well as having faith leader visits hosted within the school. Role play, the use of artifacts and the discussion of these as well as first-hand experiences further enhances the R.E. curriculum.
Through the study of R.E. our children gain a greater understanding of the diversity in their local community. Our pupils develop spiritually, academically, emotionally and morally to enable them to better understand themselves and others. This will help them to thrive in a rapidly changing, multicultural world, equipping them to take advantage of the opportunities whilst also being able to deal with the challenges and responsibilities. Children are encouraged to discuss and respect differences between people, differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender or sexuality and differing family situations. This links closely to our Bledlow Ridge School Values of respect and empathy.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through discussions, role play, circle times, links made to other curriculum areas, questions asked by children and the responses raised by questions asked of them. Along with the way that children conduct themselves in their daily lives and how they treat and value others.
In conclusion: 'All children need to acquire core knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of the religions and worldviews which not only shape their history and culture but which guide their own development. The modern world needs young people who are sufficiently confident in their own beliefs and values that they can respect the religious and cultural differences of others, and contribute to a cohesive and compassionate society.’
(The Right Hon, Michael Gove, former Secretary of State for Education, 2013 RE Review and new 'non-statutory' National Curriculum Framework for RE)