Pupil Premium Funding
At Bledlow Ridge School, our intent is for all pupils to thrive during their years with us and embody our School Value. We want all pupils to become confident, curious, and resilient learners, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face.
The focus of our Pupil Premium strategy is to support our disadvantaged children by identifying challenges that may impact their academic progress and wellbeing, including those who are high attainers.
We know our pupils well at Bledlow Ridge School and pride ourselves on the positive communication with have with our parents and Carers. We recognise that every child is unique and requires different provision, which can change throughout their time in school. The provision outlined in this strategy is also intended to support all vulnerable children, irrespective of whether they are disadvantaged or not.
This strategy is imperative to the wider school plans and is heavily reinforced by our School Development Plan (SDP). The intended outcomes that are described within this strategy are decided on collaboratively, across a range of stakeholders, throughout the school community. They are evidenced through, data (teacher summative and formative assessment), audits, Headteacher’s Report, Pupil Premium governor visits and pupil voice.
Through this process, all staff at Bledlow ridge School are engaged, take ownership and are committed to implement and embed provision to achieve our intended outcomes.
To ensure they are effective we will:
• Continue to use formative assessment as part of quality first teaching to identify specific needs/barriers for vulnerable pupils
• Provide Continued Professional Development (CPD) for staff
• Ensure disadvantaged pupils are fully engaged and responsive in class and seek advice from external agencies where required
• Supporting children’s wellbeing and be responsive to personal circumstances.- Provide 1:1 intervention for PP pupils in specific subject areas identified to close the gap in their attainment to their peers - recommendation from EEF research into effective catch up
- Fund extra-curricular club attendance where necessary
- Fund or subsidise school trip attendance where necessary
- Fund pastoral interventions as and when needed